canine Parvovirus is the first killer of pet dogs, how to save your dog from it

canine Parvovirus is the first killer of pet dogs, how to save your dog from it

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canine Parvovirus

Our article today on my pet twin website about a serious disease that kills your pet dog in a few days is a disease a Canine Parvovirus,Canine Parvovirus Diagnosis Also we will talk about Parvovirus Symptoms as well canine Parvovirus Treatment as well as we get to Parvovirus Recovery

We are interested in pet diseases in general and pet dog diseases. We have also previously talked about red eyes treatment for dogs.also The best treatment for dog ticks

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs (PV/CPV Canine parvovirus) is a fatal, widespread disease caused by a DNA-containing virus from the Parvoviridae family. Most cases of parvovirus enteritis occur in puppies whose maternal antibody levels have already fallen below the protective limit.The end of your pet dog may be inevitable if this dangerous disease is not diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Canine Parvovirus in dogs often causes death when vaccination is neglected.

Parvovirus in unvaccinated dogs is often fatal. When infected, it causes an intestinal infection or myocarditis, that is, inflammation of the muscle tissue of the heart. Animals that are seriously ill and do not receive timely assistance die of dehydration or heart failure. Due to the increased risk of infection, veterinarians include vaccination against this pathogen in the mandatory list, recommending it to all puppies older than 2-2.5 months.

A highly contagious infection provoked by pathogens of viral etiology is classified as dangerous, as it is characterized by a high percentage of mortality, especially among puppies under 5 months of age.

The virus can affect not only the gastrointestinal tract, causing serious changes, but also other structures of the body - the heart muscle, nervous and vascular system, and immunity.

What is the main causes of canine parvo virus in dogs? (canine parvovirus etiology)

The main cause of the disease is direct or indirect contact with an infected or recently recovered animal. The isolation of the virus into the external environment continues even after canine parvovirus recovery. 

Ways of infection:

  •  through contact with infected feces (eating feces, getting particles of feces into the oral cavity from the hair of a recovering animal, from hands, carpets or clothes, etc.)

  • Fetuses may be infected directly through the placenta from the mother.

If this disease is contagious, care must be taken when mixing your dog with other animals or mixing with their droppings.

symptoms of parvovirus in dogs

Before talking about the PARVOVIRUS Treatment you should know the most important parvovirus symptoms.

As we talked about previously about Scabies in dogs symptoms and treatment we will talk about symptoms of parvovirus in dogs.

Canine Parvovirus Diagnosis is the first step in the treatment of disease.

There are five signs and symptoms that appear on the dog that you cannot ignore or neglect, indicating that your dogs or puppies have been infected with the pravovirus B19 infection.

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Explanation of canine parvovirus disease

Parvovirus B19 symptoms

  • Severe pet lethargy

A characteristic sign of infection of a dog with enteritis, provoked by the activity of parvovirus, is a strong lethargy of the dog.

Infection affects not only the intestinal tract, but can also cause dehydration of the body, which leads to the rapid destruction of white blood cells, disrupting the immune system.

In dogs not vaccinated against parvovirus enteritis, especially puppies under 5 months old due to the peculiarities of the immune system, the first signs of infection appear after 2-3 days. In veterinary medicine, cases of a long latent course of the disease up to 2 weeks are described.

Severe lethargy of the dog may indicate the development of parvovirus enteritis in the initial stage. But also, severe lethargy of the animal may indicate the development of a cardiac or myocarditis form of the pathological process.

The heart muscle affected by the virus cannot cope with its functions.

This is characterized by the appearance of shortness of breath , weakness, heart rhythm disturbance and a weak pulse. As a rule, these symptoms are typical for puppies up to 8 weeks. Parvovirus enteritis in this form in puppies most often occurs at lightning speed, death occurs after 2 days.

  • Refusal to feed

A highly contagious infection that affects mainly the digestive tract, is characterized by such a symptom as refusal to feed . Mostly with the development of the combined form in a dog, not only the intestines are affected, but also the respiratory tract.

Pain in the abdomen, provoke the appearance of indigestion. The dog refuses food, and sometimes does not even want to take water. After each meal, the animal opens vomiting .

The pet is in a depressed state, trying to hide from the owner, hiding in a dark corner. Refusal to feed is abrupt, not gradual.

In the risk zone for infection are weakened animals not vaccinated, after surgical interventions, as well as females and puppies of non-vaccinated bitches.

  • Strong vomiting

Most often, dogs are diagnosed with the intestinal form of parvovirus enteritis. Characteristic of this form of the pathological process is severe vomitingrecurring regularly. As a result of refusal of food and anorexia developing against this background , after 2 days there is a disorder of the stool and severe dehydration.

The intestinal form can proceed acutely and subacutely, which gives a small chance of saving the animal.

In adult dogs, due to the individual characteristics of the immune system, an independent cure can occur, but without the support of drugs, the intestinal form of parvovirus enteritis can lead to the death of the animal.

  • Change in body temperature

Any inflammatory process that develops in the body is characterized by a change in temperature indicators .

With mild inflammation, the temperature changes locally. If a virus rages in the body, the body temperature rises globally. With parvovirus enteritis, the inflammatory process can affect all tissues of the body. This results in a change in temperature. The animal has an increase to 41 degrees at a rate of 37.5 - 39 degrees.

With a good functioning of the immune system and appropriate treatment, temperature indicators return to normal after 2-3 days. If, from the onset of the disease, the body temperature of the animal has increased, and then dropped sharply to 36 degrees, the outcome may be unfavorable. 

  • Parvovirus B19 symptoms: Fetid diarrhea with mucus

A typical sign of infection in a dog with parvovirus enteritis is fetid diarrhea with a lot of mucus.

The intestinal form of infection is the most common, since it is easiest for a viral agent to multiply and show its activity in the intestinal tissues. This is due to the fact that the cells in the intestine are updated much faster than in other parts of the body.

Fecal masses with enteritis caused by parvovirus, not formed, liquid, can change color. Diarrhea of ​​green color with mucus and a sharp fetid odor is a hallmark of the infection.

Parvovirus enteritis affects all categories of dogs, regardless of breed, size or age. In view of the features, a lethal outcome occurs more often in small puppies and dogs with a weakened immune system. In some cases, the mortality rate in puppies under 5 months old can be as high as 80%. In adult animals, parvovirus enteritis causes complications in the body, ending in the death of the dog in 15% of all registered cases.

There are also some other parvovirus symptoms such as:

  • lack of interest in water and impaired urination (a sick baby almost does not pee).

  • repeated pieces of semi-digested food or yellow mucus.

  • watery mucous  of ​​a yellowish-gray color with blood particles and a fetid odor (due to frequent urges, the pet can walk right under him).

  • the appearance of cracks in the nose, dry mucous membranes and skin.

So the Canine Parvovirus Diagnosis is the first disease treatment steps.

Why does a dog feel bad after parvovirus vaccine

The vaccination of your dog is against PARVO Virus is the first step in Canine Parvovirus Treatment.

Vaccination of pets is an effective and safe method of preventing the development of serious infectious diseases in them.

Timely vaccination keeps your pet safe. But in some cases, even after a successful vaccination, the dog may feel unwell.

It is important to understand in which cases the condition of the animal should not cause concern on the part of the owner, and in which cases one should seek help from a specialist.

On the first day after vaccination, many dogs experience local complications.

They are normal and do not require assistance. Such complications are the formation of a small, painless bump at the injection site, which passes on its own 2-3 weeks after the injection, swelling or pain at the injection site. These phenomena also apply to normal reactions that do not require the intervention of a specialist.

After vaccination on the first day, a depressed state is especially often observed in puppies. The pet becomes lethargic, there may be an increase in body temperature . It is important to provide the animal with the right care for a quick recovery.

As a rule, a dog can feel bad after vaccination for 1-3 days. Then the condition of the animal is normalized. One of the normal reactions to the vaccine is one-time vomiting or loose stools. On the first day after vaccination, experts recommend skipping 1 meal.

If the animal feels unwell, you should seek help from a specialist, the following symptoms are a cause for concern:

  • increasing lethargy turning into weakness.
  • prolonged refusal of food .
  • the appearance of seizures .
  • prolonged diarrhea (over 2 days).
  • an increase in body temperature above 39 degrees.
  • hypersalivation.
  • breathing problems.
  • swelling of the mucous membranes and their pallor .

The cause of the above signs of complications after vaccination may be an allergic reaction . It is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible for timely assistance.

Severe conditions in a dog against the background of vaccination occur when the rules for the procedure are violated. Complications and severe manifestations develop if the animal that was injected was sick at that time or did not fully recover from the illness.

A dog may feel unwell for 3-5 days in a row on the background of the rabies vaccine . During this period, the animal's body actively fights the infection by producing protective antibodies. Therefore, the pet may remain lethargic and inactive. If more than 5 days have passed after the introduction of the rabies vaccine, and the animal has not recovered, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

canine parvovirus treatment.

Diagnosis at the veterinarian 

Due to the high likelihood of death, a pet with signs of the disease should be booked for examination as soon as possible. For diagnosis use:

1-ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), which detects the presence of antibodies to the pathogen

2-IHA (immunochromatographic analysis) - an analogue of ELISA, which is less accurate, but faster in obtaining results

3-PCR analysis (polymerase chain reaction), which determines the presence of a direct pathogen by DNA fragments shortly after infection. 

The ICA express test takes only 10-15 minutes, which is why a preliminary treatment plan is made up of it. Adjustments are made after receiving the results of ELISA and PCR analysis. 

Therapeutic measures 

Drug treatment of parvovirus infection in dogs is aimed at containing the pathogen and supporting the patient's body. Its duration is 5 days. During this time, thanks to medications, it is possible to remove accumulated toxins, stop diarrhea and vomiting, prevent dehydration, and normalize the functioning of the heart and intestines. 

All drugs are injected under the skin, into a vein, or into a muscle to avoid new bouts of nausea. Animals in critical condition receive a blood transfusion. 

First aid at home is the first step of treatment of canine Parvovirus 

If you do not have the opportunity to see a doctor within the next couple of hours, give your pet first aid. Put your dog on a starvation diet and don't give him water. To avoid dehydration, give a subcutaneous drip with Ringer-Locke solution or normal saline. 

Unpleasant sensations from diarrhea can be removed with the help of vaseline oil. Lubricate the anus and rectum with it, but do not give it inside. During vomiting, any oral medication will only aggravate the patient's condition. 

Pathogen elimination 

At an early stage (no more than 3 days from the moment of infection), the disease is suppressed by serum with ready-made antibodies and antiviral drugs. These drugs increase the body's resistance, stimulate the work of immune cells and disrupt the replication of parvoviruses. 

Replenishment of fluid and nutrients 

Infusion therapy is prescribed until vomiting stops. Until this moment, the four-legged pet cannot eat and drink on its own, so all the nutrients and liquids are administered to it through a dropper. 

Taking symptomatic medications 

Symptomatic drugs are selected individually, starting from the overall picture. The animal may be given: 

  • adsorbents that eliminate the consequences of intoxication.

  • antiemetic and antidiarrheal.

  • hemostatic, increasing blood clotting.

  • antibiotics that destroy a secondary infection.

  • vasopressors and cardiotonic drugs that fight the symptoms of myocarditis. 

Treatment of parvovirus in puppies and adults differs in dosage. For this reason, veterinarians do not recommend giving medication without a prescription. 

Will folk remedies help? 

Traditional medicine is resorted to only as part of complex therapy, since the means used are suitable only for relieving symptoms. They do not directly fight the virus and can provoke an allergic reaction. 

Caring for a recovering pet 

Until canine parvovirus recovery, the four-legged pet is put under strict quarantine and food is limited. Taking these measures eliminates the further spread of the disease and reduces the burden on the affected intestine. 


Parvovirus is very durable. It retains its pathogenicity for another 6 months even after the death of the patient, and with a successful recovery, it continues to be excreted along with feces. In both situations, all this time it is recommended to observe strict quarantine, excluding communication with other dogs and the acquisition of new four-legged pets. 

Therapeutic diet 

Treatment for parvovirus in dogs is not complete without diet. To restore the intestinal mucosa, you will need: 

  •  Change your usual diet to fractional. 
  • Cook food right before serving, warming it up to room temperature. 
  • Avoid hard and raw foods. Dry food must be soaked, and meat and vegetables must be subjected to heat treatment. 
  • Grind all food to a puree and liquid consistency. 

With natural feeding, the diet should consist of mucous porridges, dietary meat ground in a blender, boiled quail or chicken eggs. From liquid products, light meat and vegetable broths, rice and oat broths, as well as low-fat sour-milk products are suitable. 

Animals fed "drying" are transferred to medicinal feed approved by a veterinarian. The new menu should be followed for at least 1 month, and in especially severe cases - for life. 

Preventive measures 

The most effective method of prevention is  . Thanks to vaccination, the probability of infection is reduced to 5%. 


Canine parvovirus in puppies, is vaccinated twice: at 2-2.5 months and 1 more time after 21-28 days to consolidate the result. All subsequent vaccinations are carried out once a year. 

Despite the lack of a 100% guarantee, vaccination allows you to transfer the disease in the mildest form. Timely vaccinated animals get sick without complications, so they are guaranteed a favorable prognosis even with infection.


Other protection methods 

The rest of the prevention comes down to creating comfortable and safe conditions of detention. For this you need: 

  • Balance the diet, eliminating the deficiency of essential nutrients. 
  •  Regularly carry out wet cleaning and disinfection with a chloride or formalin solution. 
  •  Provide each pet with a separate bowl, comb and bed. 
  •  Teach your pet prohibition commands to stop sniffing and eating other people's feces.

  • Avoid mass gatherings of unfamiliar animals and stop any contact with stray dogs. 

  • Wash your shoes thoroughly after each walk and store them in a closed closet. 
  • Do not let puppies out into the corridor and outside until the first vaccination and quarantine. 

  • Be sure to vaccinate the pets involved in breeding, and carefully study the documents on the health status of the future mating partner. 

Subject to preventive recommendations, the likelihood of infection will be much less, so do not rush to vaccinate your pet ahead of time. Such a rush will not give the desired result, since the production of one's own antibodies will be suppressed by passive immunity obtained along with mother's milk. 
