stronghold flea cats Causes and treatment

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stronghold flea cats

In cats, fleas appear quite often, and this causes inconvenience to both the animal and its owner. It is important to start treatment on time, but simple treatment may not be enough. To help a cat, owners must know the developmental characteristics of these insects, the ways in which animals become infected, and understand the dangers of flea infestation

Fleas in cats morphology and development cycle

The cat flea is one of the animal parasites that can attack humans as well. It looks like a tiny dark insect without wings. Body size: 0.5–5 millimeters. However, a blood-fed female is able to swell up to 16 millimeters

Fleas parasitize cats and rats. When attacking a person, he chooses the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs below the knee

The lifespan of a flea depends on habitat conditions and usually ranges from 3 months to 1.5 years

Favorable conditions for fleas

Temperature____ 20–25 ºС

Air humidity ____ 60%


Fleas breed throughout the year. One female is able to lay from 2 to 15 eggs at a time. Thus, in a lifetime, an individual can reproduce about 500 pieces

Places for masonry can be different: cracks in the floor or walls, bedspreads or animal beds, food waste, earth, pet hair

Flea development stages

Egg. Tiny white dot. Size: 0.5 mm. Cycle: from 2 days to 2 weeks.

Larva. Reminds me of a worm with segmented hairs. Size: about 5 millimeters. It is mobile, grows by eating feces, blood or plant waste. Cycle: from 9 days to 8 months.

Pupa. Looks like a larva in a cocoon. Cycle: from 6 days to 1 year.

Imago. It is a full grown adult.

How Do Cats Get Fleas?

The appearance of fleas in cats can be caused by a number of reasons:

The animal loves to explore the entrances and basements of the house. After all, rooms without ventilation with the same level of humidity and a minimum of light are ideal conditions for flea breeding.

The penetration of insects from neighboring apartments. Fleas can move through the thinnest cracks, so there is only one way to protect yourself from intruders after getting rid of them - to make a quality repair.

Contact with an infected cat is enough for even minimal communication of animals.

Carrying fleas on clothes. Unfortunately, the owner can infect the animal on his own, and in this case it is unrealistic to protect himself from undesirable consequences.

Improper cleaning after handling the cat. Just washing floors and bowls is not enough: eggs or larvae can remain in furniture, carpets or the animal's bed. If fleas reappear in the house, re-treatment and better cleaning are required.

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stronghold flea cats

Why are fleas dangerous in cats?

In cats, fleas are fraught with both minor health problems and very serious disorders. In the first case, the animal is worried about itching, so it begins to itch actively: wounds and abrasions appear.

If the owner rid the cat of fleas immediately, there will not be much damage to health. However, in advanced cases, dermatitis may develop. In addition, cats tend to bite and swallow fleas, which is dangerous with intoxication, helminth infection, and even anemia.

Flea Allergic Dermatitis

Dermatitis in cats is provoked by flea bites and subsequent active combing. At risk are animals that are prone to allergies.

Flea saliva is made up of complex compounds that are harmless in small doses. But if a cat is constantly bitten, it may develop hypersensitivity.

Signs of flea dermatitis:



scratches, open wounds

hair loss.

The disease progresses quickly, so it is important to start treatment as soon as possible. You can also deal with fleas at home. The main thing is an integrated approach.

Anemia in kittens

Anemia is a pathology in which there is a simultaneous drop in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. May develop in an adult animal. However, it is most dangerous for a fragile body of a kitten due to the likelihood of a fatal outcome.

Anemia can be caused by various reasons. One of them is flea infestation.

Signs of anemia in a kitten:


pallor / cyanosis / yellowness of the mucosa

refusal to eat

weight loss


Anemia is a serious disease. It cannot be cured by simply getting rid of the original source in the form of cat fleas. Therapy includes taking various drugs that are aimed at restoring the normal composition of the blood. And only a veterinarian can prescribe them.

Infectious and parasitic danger of fleas: hemobartonellosis and dipilidiosis

Hemobartonellosis is infectious anemia. It is provoked by microorganisms, the carriers of which are fleas and mosquitoes. Unlike classical anemia, a malfunction in the body occurs due to the fact that microbes directly destroy red blood cells.

The disease is dangerous because it is secretive. Symptoms may not appear for up to 5 months after infection.

Signs of hemobartonellosis:

decrease in activity

loss of appetite

weight loss

pallor of the mucous membrane


enlargement of the spleen.

Dipilidiosis is a disease caused by cucumber tapeworm. The parasite has a white-gray or pink color. In length it can reach 70 cm, in width - 3 mm. A cat can become infected with dipilidiosis by eating adult fleas - they are the carriers of the pathogen larvae.

Signs of infection:

weight loss

change in eating behavior

the cat is constantly nervous.

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Symptoms of a flea infestation

It is difficult to detect fleas at an early stage. However, it is quite possible to do this if you examine the cat's stomach. It is in this area that, upon careful examination, insects or their feces can be noticed.

Signs of a flea infestation:

active scratching

the cat is worried, reacts sharply to stimuli, meows

loss of appetite

weakness, unwillingness to play

If you do not get rid of fleas on a cat in time, the animal will begin to lose weight, and sores will form in the bites. In addition, the presence of bald spots in the coat is associated with neglected invasion.

Diagnosis: how to determine that a cat has fleas?

Before you start fighting fleas, you need to make sure that the cat is worried about them

It is necessary to pay attention to exactly where the cat itches. Fleas are active on the sides and back (or on the whole body, if the invasion is advanced), and ticks are active behind the ears and in the groin.

Flea eggs and feces from a cat. If white and black dots are observed on the skin and at the base of the hair, then there are adult fleas on the animal.

Skin irritation. Ulcers, scratches, redness are typical signs of a developed flea infestation.

Detection of fleas by visual inspection. It’s easy to understand that it’s a flea in front of you. It has a rounded body 0.5 mm long and very thin long legs. You can find insects if you just move the wool apart in different directions. In addition, fleas will begin to jump off the cat during bathing - no other insect can do this.

What to do if a cat has fleas: treatment methods and an overview of remedies

You can remove fleas from a cat in various ways. They are available in different forms






In addition to common sprays, shampoos, tablets, there are even ultrasonic scarers that are hung as a keychain on an animal's collar. However, not all of them are effective.

Most flea remedies have a prolonged action, that is, the effect persists for a long time (1-6 months).

Before you start removing fleas, it is important to consider a number of points:

the age of the cat;

whether the pet is sick (a weakened animal cannot be treated with chemicals);

tendency to allergies to the components of the drug.

For kittens, pregnant and lactating cats, you will need to buy specialized products.

Fleas in a cat - drops

As a rule, drops require a single application. Depending on the composition, they have a destructive or repellent effect. Means with insecticides are most effective, but they must be used strictly according to the instructions (the dosage is calculated based on the weight of the cat). Drops with essential oils are not so toxic, so they are suitable for weakened animals, but in the event of a neglected invasion they will not be able to help.

List of effective drops:




Frontline Combo.


The advantages of drops include speed (fleas die in 1-2 days), as well as versatility (many drugs simultaneously fight lice, lice and ticks). Disadvantages - the need to prevent contact of the cat with water and small children. In addition, many drops are not suitable for newborn kittens, as well as pregnant and lactating cats.

Fleas in a cat - shampoos

Shampoos kill fleas if you wash your cat once, but do not have a delayed effect. Like drops, depending on the composition, they either repel fleas or destroy them.

List of effective shampoos:



Mr. Bruno.

Mr. Kiss.

Rolf Club.

The advantage of shampoos is that they can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to wash rugs from beds or wash toys. They are suitable for kittens and pregnant and lactating cats if they do not contain insecticides.

Cons of shampoos: the fragility of the effect and the risk of poisoning the animal if the product was poorly washed off the coat.


With the help of a spray, you can remove not only fleas, but also their larvae and eggs. In addition, products of this kind are effective against lice, mites and lice.

When choosing a drug, it should be borne in mind that they are of 2 types:

for processing an animal;

for room treatment.

List of effective sprays:





FitoDoc AB3.

rays can kill fleas in a single application, even with a running infestation. However, this effectiveness is due to strong toxicity - if used incorrectly, they can harm the animal and provoke allergies. Although there are drugs that are suitable for 2-day-old kittens, such as Frontline.


Collars are also used to kill fleas or to repel them. In the first case, the tape is impregnated with insecticides, in the second - with vegetable and essential oils. These points should be taken into account if the animal is still small or bears offspring.

Adult cats and kittens older than 3 months can wear insecticide collars. Kittens, pregnant and lactating cats - with esters.

List of effective tapes:


Doctor Zoo.




Collars serve for a long time - up to 6 months. There are also models with a complex action: from fleas, lice, ticks and withers at the same time. They are not as toxic as sprays, but they are not able to cope with insects if the infestation has reached a critical stage. In this case, it is better to apply drops or spray, and then put a tape on the already treated cat.

The key to the effectiveness of the collar is the correct wearing. The tape must not be too tight. A finger must pass freely between the collar and the neck of the animal. In addition, it is important to cut off the excess tape that remains after fastening the fastener. A cat can bite him, which will provoke poisoning.


Tablets stand apart among flea control products. This is an extreme measure when the animal is in a neglected state. Topical preparations are not suitable if the cat has dermatitis and other damage to the skin. It is in such cases that it is necessary to resort to tablets.

However, it is impossible to engage in treatment at home without consulting a specialist. It should be understood that an animal with a serious infestation needs the help of a veterinarian. The list of drugs in tablet form is quite wide.

There are funds for a single dose, and there are those that are drunk as a course. There are preparations only against fleas, but there are against fleas and ticks at the same time. Therefore, only a veterinarian can choose the right remedy after examining the animal.

List of known pills:




Home disinfection

After treating a cat, an important step in the fight against fleas is the treatment of housing.

Professional disinfection

Professional disinfection is the most effective. A team of specialists will arrive at your home, assess the sanitary condition of your home and choose the most appropriate disinfection method. Usually disinfection is carried out either with a heat gun or with the use of chemicals. The owner only needs to prepare the house and pay for the services.

Disinfection by yourself

You can disinfect your home yourself with a spray or powder.

Processing steps:

Remove children, pets, and houseplants from the home.

To throw out the trash.

Move furniture away from walls. Remove from the walls all the objects that hang on them.

Wear work clothes.

Spray the entire house, including carpets, upholstered furniture, clothes, shoes and bedding. Particular attention must be paid to the things of the animal.

Close doors and windows. Leave the house for a few hours, ideally all night.

Upon your return, ventilate the rooms well, wash all surfaces and wash all treated items.

Unlike sprays, powders are less effective, but they do not require you to leave your home. It is enough to scatter the granules in the places of the greatest accumulation of fleas (crevices, areas behind the plinth). Upon contact with a bulk substance, not only adults die, but also their larvae and eggs.

This is a video showing how to get rid of cat fleas from the British Blue Cats Channel

Prevention measures

To avoid flea infestation, you must follow simple rules:

treat the animal in a timely manner, especially with regard to the seasonal activity of insects;

regularly carry out wet cleaning, and once a month - with the use of special tools;

periodically inspect the animal for the presence of insects.

How to remove fleas from a cat at home with folk remedies: myths and reality

Myth #1: Wormwood repels fleas. Of course it is. You can pick up a few armfuls and put them in different corners of the house. Fleas will become smaller, but the effect will last exactly until the plant dries. In addition, the smell of wormwood is specific even for humans. So there is a risk of surviving from the house not only fleas, but also guests with households.

Myth #2: Essential oils will save you from fleas. Peppermint, pine, eucalyptus, and lavender are safe for cats. As a rule, you can find tips on the Internet that say that you need to dilute a few drops in a glass of water and treat the animal with the resulting solution. Further, the oil concentrate is dripped onto sponges or napkins, which are laid out in different places at home. However, here it is worth considering that essential oils do not kill insects, but only repel them. So there can be no question of complete deliverance. In addition, odors quickly disappear: the animal will need to be treated daily, as well as wipes to be updated.

Myth #3: Let there be salt and soda. Salt or soda solution is safe for kittens and pregnant and lactating cats. It is prepared as follows: 100 grams of the substance are diluted in 1 liter of warm water. It is used according to the following scheme: the animal must be kept in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed with baby soap, dried and combed out. Also, with this solution, you can wash the floors in the apartment and wash the pet bed. However, even here there are controversial points. You cannot keep the whole animal in the solution: the head will still be above the water, which means that insects may well run across to it. Washing the room with salt is associated with stains, so after washing and rewashing is still necessary. And such solutions are effective only for 3-4 days, and then require re-application.

Which of the methods of dealing with fleas deserves attention, everyone determines for himself. However, it should be understood that folk methods either simply repel insects, or they act for an extremely short time. Therefore, you can resort to them only if the animal is allergic and categorically does not tolerate the effects of chemicals. However, after that, it is advisable to temporarily transfer the pet to friends and disinfect the housing with chemicals.

Popular questions from owners

Question 1. At what age can kittens be treated for ticks and fleas?

Answer. The optimal time is 2 months. Earlier processing may cause undesirable consequences. However, if there is an urgent need for this (for example, the invasion progresses to an advanced stage), a veterinarian should be consulted so that he selects the optimal treatment.

Question 2. Is it possible to combine different flea control products (drops with a collar, tablets with key rings)?

Answer. Can. The most rational combination is repellent and destroying drugs.

Question 3. How to properly handle a cat depending on the time of year?

Answer. It is enough to apply drops once a month. Processing begins when the snow has melted and ends when frosts come.

Question 4. What should I do if my cat vomited after taking a flea pill? Is reprocessing necessary?

Answer. First you need to find out if vomiting is a reaction to the drug. After all, it can be caused by other reasons. For example, gastrointestinal disease. To do this, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian.

Question 5. What should I do if my cat is salivating after a flea treatment?

Answer. The secretion of saliva is a natural protective reaction to the ingestion of foreign substances in the mouth. As a rule, this happens if the cat is given pills. There is also the possibility of salivation if the owner did not follow, and the cat licked the drops from the withers. Modern flea preparations have a 4th hazard class. That is, they cannot cause irreversible consequences in the animal's body. However, if salivation lasts more than 2 hours, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian.

Question 6. Do I need to treat my cat for fleas and ticks before spaying or vaccination?

Answer. Vaccination and castration/neutering are not tied to external parasite treatment. But these procedures are associated with deworming. So if there is a need for treatment for worms, and at the same time the cat has become infected with fleas, you can give a complex drug that fights immediately with helminths, ticks and fleas. This should be done 10-14 days before the procedure.

Question 7. What is the best way to disinfect an apartment from fleas?

Answer. Delcit and Neostomozan. These preparations are suitable for washing various surfaces, as well as washing rugs. However, in the case of a running invasion, it is better to call the disinfector service.

The list of drugs for fleas is wide. And you need to choose them in accordance with the age and individual condition of the pet. In addition, it is important to remember that you can completely get rid of insects only by disinfecting the room. The appearance of fleas is easier to prevent, so do not neglect preventive measures. 

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