Why does your cat's hair fall out and what you should do

Cats hair loss 

If you began to notice that the cat’s hair falls out profusely, and this does not look like the usual seasonal molt, since whole shreds end up on the litter and floor, then something is wrong with the pet, he lacks vitamins, he has allergies and etc. Often, at the same time, the fur loses its beautiful appearance, and the pet licks itself so actively that bald spots form

Cats need fur to protect themselves from damage. Seasonal molting is due to the need to adapt to the ambient temperature. Therefore, for example, sphinxes that do not have a thick undercoat (the opinion that they have no hair at all is deeply mistaken) easily get wounds and scratches

The fur of a cat is her pride, although we, the owners, are even more proud of it. A smooth and shiny coat is an indication of the animal's good health, so it is not surprising that its tarnishing and falling out makes you want to understand the reasons

The main causes of cat hair loss


Seasonal molting in cats is a natural phenomenon. In autumn, your pet "changes clothes" fur, changing it from summer to winter. At this time, the undercoat becomes thicker, while in spring, on the contrary, it thins out

You can also judge the beginning of the process by your own clothes. As soon as a cat passes by, your trousers or dresses are covered with wool. When molting in long-haired animals, the hair may fall out not in separate hairs, but in shreds. In order not to collect it from upholstered furniture and clothes, it is advisable to purchase a steel comb for fur and a bristle brush for undercoat at the pet store. Recently, special gloves for combing have become popular : cats and cats do not react to them as aggressively as to combs, and it is convenient to remove dead hairs with them

During the molting period, cats begin to actively lick themselves. Wool from the tongue enters the stomach, accumulates there, not always coming out naturally. To avoid problems, it is advisable to give the cat special preparations (vitamins, pastes) that help remove lumps from the stomach. Special fat supplements containing concentrated fatty acids can be added to the feed in spring and autumn

Poor ( nutrition) lack of (vitamins) and minerals) in the diet)

If your pet suddenly began to actively shed, there were bald spots on the body, you should reconsider his diet . Cheap feeds, despite active advertising, do not contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, so you need to change them to more nutritious ones - premium and super premium, holistics , add vitamin complexes. Once a week, it is recommended to give the cat with food a raw chicken egg and grow cat grass. Seeds or sprouted greens can be purchased at a pet store

Of the vitamins are good for a beautiful coat

biotin (vitamin H)


In addition to improving the condition of the skin and coat, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cat's vital organs: the heart and blood vessels, the stomach, etc


One of the most likely causes of excessive hair loss in cats is allergies. Its symptoms may be

skin redness

itching ( the cat is actively scratching itself )

eczema and blisters


nasal discharge

diarrhea or vomiting 

You can observe the manifestation of only some symptoms or a whole complex of them. The most common types of allergies


reaction to flea saliva 

atopic dermatitis (for substances present in the external environment, air)

It is impossible to determine its presence in an animal on its own, therefore, when observing symptoms indicating a possible pathology, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian. He will take tests, determine the allergen and prescribe treatment

Skin parasites, mites

Street cats and free-range cats run the risk of placing mites on their bodies that cause scabies. The disease is accompanied by severe skin irritation and itching, hair loss.

There are several types of ticks that parasitize on the body of cats: some prefer to settle in the auricle , others infect the skin around the eyes, head, and neck. Laying passages under the skin, they cause severe itching, leave traces of vital activity, gradually poisoning the animal's body. Without treatment, the pet may die

To prevent insect infestation, it is important to treat animals regularly, every three months, even if they do not leave the apartment. Fleas and ticks can be brought on a person's clothes and shoes


Dermatophytosis (lichen) in cats is a dangerous infectious disease. Its causative agents are mold fungi, which first affect the skin, then wool and claws. From a disease that may not manifest itself for a long time, weakened, injured animals often suffer

Signs of a disease that require urgent action can be noticed by the owner of the animal

hair loss


the appearance of round bald spots

excessive molting

uneven, deformed claws

During the treatment of an animal, a person needs to be careful, because the disease is dangerous for him

Hormonal imbalance

Brittle, dry and lifeless hair in a cat is a sign of hormonal disorders. The reasons may be different: the postpartum period, lack of thyroid hormones in the blood, and others. Symmetric loss of fur from both sides may indicate endocrine disorders

An examination by a veterinarian will be required, taking the drugs prescribed by him in order to restore hormonal levels.

solar dermatosis

Cats can also get sunstroke. Burned skin is solar dermatitis, the danger of which is the possible development of squamous cell carcinoma (skin). White pets are more susceptible to it, since their wool does not contain melamine (color pigment), which protects from the sun

The disease is expressed by redness of the skin, loss of hair, the appearance of scales on the affected areas that cause itching. There is no pain syndrome, but the crusty part of the body looks irritated, vulnerable. Dermatosis will develop further, ulcers will appear


This is an inflammation that occurs in the hair follicles as a result of insufficient care for the animal. The causative agents of the disease are bacteria, fungi or viruses. Pets with weak immunity, metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis are most often affected 

Consequences of other diseases

Hair loss can be caused by the presence of other diseases in the body of the animal. For example, granulomas. It occurs as a reaction of the body to the suture thread. Development is possible after surgical interventions: bald patches and ulcers appear on the cat's body

Alopecia (baldness) can cause a cat

thyroid disease


Hair loss at the injection site

After the subcutaneous administration of certain drugs (antibiotics, rabies vaccine, progesterone, praziquantel, glucocorticoids) in cats, baldness is possible. As a rule, it passes quickly, and the injection site becomes overgrown with hair, however, sometimes this process drags on for a long time, and a small bald spot can be observed on the skin of the animal

Stress and nervous tension

Domestic cats often suffer from stress , which can result in increased molting. The reasons are different

long absence of the owner

the arrival of a new family member or a new pet in the house

change of house and others

Cats have a hard time with separation, lack of attention, and can even become depressed. As a result, the fur loses its attractiveness, the wool fades and falls out. A little bit of attention and affection, love and care is the best cure for stress

Autoimmune diseases

Otherwise - nested alopecia, which leads to hair loss in tufts, most often in the head and neck. Autoimmune diseases are rare in cats, but require attention and treatment


Yes, and domestic cats are prone to seborrhea. The reason for it is the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. With dry seborrhea, the skin flakes off, small scales appear, popularly called dandruff

The second type of disease is oily, with the formation of an excess amount of sebum. Wool sticks together, greasy, becomes sticky and falls out in shreds

So what's our advice for when your cat's hair is falling out

The very first and most important thing is that as soon as you notice that your pet's fur has lost its attractiveness, and tufts of wool have begun to appear more often on the floor, you need to contact your veterinarian. Since the cause of baldness can be quite serious, up to cancer, it is undesirable to delay. In the presence of wounds, ulcers, lesions on the animal's skin, blood tests, skin scrapings will be taken. This will allow you to quickly make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

It is difficult, almost impossible, to completely get rid of atopic dermatitis, since allergens are found in the environment, that is, in the air. Only a strict diet and special preparations will help keep the cat healthy

Nutrition rules for those who do not require treatment

Good nutrition is of particular importance for maintaining a well-groomed appearance. You can't feed your cat from your table. The daily diet should contain proteins and vitamins

Sour milk improves the absorption of vitamins and has a good effect on the health of the coat

If the cause of alopecia is a food allergy or a lack of vitamins and minerals, you should carefully review your pet's diet. A balanced composition containing all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and amino acids can only be found in premium, super premium and holistic feeds

General rules for avoiding problems

Regardless of the causes of alopecia, the following recommendations will help maintain healthy skin and fur

Brush out the coat frequently using a furminator . This will help reduce shedding. The comb massages the cat's skin, improving blood circulation

When bathing an animal, use medicated shampoos

Protect your pet from stress, If necessary, use sedatives recommended by your veterinarian

Get regular check-ups with your veterinarian to stop the development of serious diseases in the early stages. Vaccinations and vaccinations will help this

Add vitamin supplements to the feed that improve the condition of the coat

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