what do turtles eat types of turtles

how to choose,types of turtles,what do turtles eat

Turtles are interesting animals. In Europe, they have been very popular for many years, and for good reason. They do not create problems when it comes to care, however, breeding these reptiles requires from the owner not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the willingness to deepen it.

turtleswhat do turtles eat,types of turtles

Keeping a domestic turtle (features)

“I want to have a turtle at home,” parents often hear from their children. This reptile is the ideal pet for a child, recommended by doctors
because, in theory, it does not cause allergies

On the other hand, they are demanding and
rather fragile animals. A common mistake in keeping pet turtles is to simply keep them on the floor. They need to provide the proper temperature, humidity, soil, safety.

First you need to decide whether it will be a water turtle or a typical land turtle. One and the other group requires different conditions. If water-land, a suitable aquaterrarium is created with the right amount of water.

Keeping water turtles (rules)

Pet stores often sell dime-sized babies and convince the customer that a 30-litre aquarium would be the perfect solution. This is mistake. Even for a small reptile, the aquarium must be spacious, and for an adult, it must be borne in mind that a minimum of 200-300 liters of water is required.

Efficient filtration is needed, preferably in the form of an external filter, appropriate lighting, including UV, proper diet. Aquaterrariums use soil and gravel.

Keeping tortoises (rules)

A terrarium of at least 120 cm by 50 cm should be prepared for the land turtle. The correct temperature must also be guaranteed.

In one part - 30-35 degrees Celsius at low humidity, and in the other - 25-28 degrees with humidity up to 70%. Then the reptile will be able to bask on the "island of heat" created with a heating lamp, or find a cooler place.

You need to choose the right substrate. For most terrestrial species, a homemade mixture of soil, sand, and a small amount of clay is good. As an alternative, sod is used, that is, a dug-out piece of lawn with soil.

Decor elements, hiding places, will decorate the terrarium and will be useful. Amphibians need multiple places to hide and feel safe. You can put pots, coconut shells, twigs with leaves. Sufficient light is essential for normal shell development.

Types and breeds of turtles for home keeping

There are 335 species of turtles in the world, but only a few of them can be kept at home. First of all, one should distinguish between freshwater and terrestrial reptiles. Among the species of domestic turtles, the following are common:

forest turtle

The scientific name is Glyptemys insculpta. Native to North America. It is characterized by a dark gray shell. The legs, head and abdomen are orange with black spots, the limbs are short and strong.
Males are larger than females, adult size - 23 centimeters, weight - about a kilogram. They are omnivores. In spring and summer it lives on the surface, in winter and autumn it chooses the aquatic environment.

steppe turtle

Dark shell with round light spots. The head and limbs are light, the claws on the paws are well developed. The size reaches 22 centimeters, lives for a long time. She has excellent eyesight, can recognize people, is sensitive to soil vibrations, and has a developed sense of smell.

Greek tortoise

Slightly larger than the steppe - 25-30 cm. They are kept in a terrarium with a spotlight, next to which it can bask.

Red-eared turtle (Trachemys scripta)

Lives in water. The name comes from the characteristic red stripes on the cheeks. She needs an aquarium with lots of plants and rocks. In the summer, if possible, it is worth putting it into a pond, likes to bask in the sun, under the surface of the water.

It reaches a length of 30 centimeters, females are slightly larger than males. They live for about 40 years. Juveniles feed on fish, snails and crustaceans, while older ones feed on leaves and grass.

Food for pet turtles (diet)

What to feed pet turtles. Some aquatic species are typical predators, others have a certain percentage of plants in their diet, and others are vegetarians. This needs to be determined before purchasing a pet. They eat live, dried, prepared and frozen foods.
Before dinner, frozen food must be thawed and rinsed.

Live food
water larvae
mosquito larvae
tadpoles and frogs
freshwater fish
aquarium fish (guppies, gladioli)
water snails
water beetles.

However, do not overdo it with the amount of animal food eaten. Although it should dominate the diet of an amphibian, we must not forget about plant foods:

dandelion leaves
plantain leaves
aquarium plants
water fern
Chinese cabbage.

Usually give as much food as the animal can eat in 5 minutes. Adults should be fed 2-3 times a week, young (up to 6 months of age) - 1 time per day, newborns (up to 3-4 months of age) - 2 times a day.

What foods can not be given to the turtle (rules)

A common mistake when feeding aquatic turtles is the same food over and over again, usually dried sprouts (gammarus). After several weeks of a monotonous diet, the reptile is deficient in various nutrients.

The animal becomes lethargic, loses its appetite and desire to live, the condition of the shell worsens, swelling of the eyelids may occur. Therefore, it is important that the diet is varied and balanced.

It is impossible to feed pets with one meat of mammals and birds. It's too fat, too much protein, not found in the turtle's natural menu. Poultry and beef are added only to the main food of the turtle. Pork and cold cuts should be excluded from the amphibian diet.

Try not to overdo it in the menu with the amount of salad and fruits, avoid feeding animals with spinach. An important component of the reptile diet should be foods rich in calcium. This is needed to create armor.

Reproduction of domestic turtles

The statement that turtles should hibernate every year is not always true. At home, this is not even desirable. Only a specialist can prepare an animal for hibernation and ensure the correctness of such a rest, otherwise it will sleep forever.

If the pet stays in the corner of the terrarium for a long time and tries to burrow into the ground, it is probably getting ready for bed. To prevent this from happening, it must be fed and carefully read the specialized literature on ensuring the hibernation of turtles so that the animal remains alive and healthy. With good care and proper nutrition, pets can live 15-30 years.

When buying a pet, you need to pay attention to the behavior - this will tell you if this individual is healthy. The shell should be without cracks, there should be no spots on the skin, the mucous membrane of the mouth should be pale pink in color, saliva should not be sticky, breathing should be calm, there should be no discharge from the mouth and nose.

Most turtles carry salmonella, as well as other bacteria and viruses that can be dangerous (especially for children). Therefore, care must be taken that the child thoroughly washed his hands when in contact with the turtle.

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